Thursday, 27 March 2014

Audience Feedback-Audio

This is my audience feedback video including: my front cover and double page spread.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Audience Feedback Powerpoint

Audience Feedback Questionniare

Audience feedback Questions

I decided to create an audience questionnaire to receive constructive feedback for my music magazine. Moreover, I gave out 10 copies of the questionnaire to men and women as my magazine is aimed at both genders.


1.      What do you think of my colour scheme?

2.      Would you consider buying my magazine if seen in a shop? If so why?

3.      What do you think stands out the most on my front cover? Why?

4.      What do you think I could improve on the front cover? Give detail?

5.      What do you think of my front cover image?

6.      What do you think of layout of the contents page?

7.      What do you think are the strengths of my contents page? Give detail?

8.      What do you think are the weaknesses of my contents page? Give detail?

9.      Do you think my double page spread looks professional? Why?

10.  What is your opinion of the images I have chosen for the double page spread?

11.  What do you think could be improved on my double page spread?

12.  What do you like about my double page spread? Why?

13.  Do you think that my overall production looks professional? Why?

14.  Do you think my music magazine could compete with current existing music magazines? Why?

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Audience Feedback-Video

Here is my audience feeback video inluding: some questions from my questionnaire about my Indie/Rock music magazine.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Double page Spread Image

here is my drawn image of what i want my double page spread to look like in my indie music magazine.